Saturday, June 2, 2012

Crying in the Dark and what this book means to me

         I'm currently writing a book and it's called Crying in the Dark.  Crying in the Dark is all about the struggles that my family goes through on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.  Through all that we have come across, we have hurtled over them.  This book I know, will speak to a lot of parents and caregivers of those who have children in their life who are suffering from the disorder known as Aspergers. 
         Autism is like an umbrella disorder with several disorders linked to one another under it.  Aspergers happens to be one of those disorders and my 6-year-old son was diagnosed with it in June of 2011.  I never knew what was happening to my son or how to talk to anyone about it because for the most part, people do not really know all that much about the disorder.
         This book is allowing me to express what happens and educate those around us who do not know what's going on, to help them with tolerance, humility, and respect.

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